Boo! Snapchat surprises users with a new update


Snapchat has always been a non-traditional social media app. Especially popular among younger populations, the ten-second-at-most pictures sent to friends cause anything from joy to frustration. The app has never been like others of its kind and continues to distance itself from the rest with new updates.

In the past, the app opened up on the front camera. With a swipe, the left side reveals the social side: ten second pictures and chats sent from friends. On the right side is the media side, with articles, quizzes and videos from Buzzfeed, Vice or the New York Times. There’s a large variety for the user to choose from, with the additional option to subscribe to certain channels. The right side also shows friends’ stories, where people can put up videos or pictures for 24 hours before disappearing.

With the new update, the stories from the various channels on the media side must meet content and community standards. As opposed to other social media like Facebook, where anyone is free to post practically anything, content posted on the media side of the app will be filtered for users and adjusted to their preferences. This will also monitor and decrease the amount of fake news floating around online.

Snapchat has also used a form of artificial intelligence called machine learning to help with the filtering of the content. This will tailor the media side of the app to suit a user’s preference.

But Snapchat doesn’t plan to completely block out some content to users. Large events such as news or sporting events will be broadcasted to all who use the app.

The hope is that this update will continue to enhance the experience of using Snapchat. By tailoring content specifically to its users, the app will continue to grow and make said users satisfied.