Blue Bell’s Triumphant Return


From January through April 2015, a total of ten patients infected with several strains of Listeria Monocytogenes were reported from four states: Arizona, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas after eating Blue Bell ice cream. All ten patients were hospitalized. The ice cream was recalled and no longer allowed to be on the shelves of every grocery store. But on Saturday November 2, the American beloved ice cream was re-stocked in grocery stores all over America.

“When I found out Blue Bell was being recalled, my family bought as much as we could and ate it for a few months until we ran out,” senior Dorothy Meachum said. “After I heard the news of its return, I planned to get it the first morning back. My favorite flavor is just the homemade vanilla, and that is the only flavor I have gotten since it has come back. I have gotten three half gallons so far, and it has been one week.”

The news of the recall really disappointed some of the ice cream lovers, but the announcement of return brought excitement and eagerness.

“In October I would go to Tom Thumb and see the Blue Bell countdown in the freezer section which made me really excited for the return,” junior Sarah Hall said. “When it first got recalled, I did not really think it was that big of a deal, but then when it came time for me to buy ice cream I realized that Blue Bell was the only ice cream I buy because it is the best. Finally on November 2, after going to two different Tom Thumb locations, I purchased one gallon of homemade vanilla. I have not tried any new flavors yet because they have a limited selection so far, but honestly I am just content with vanilla because it has always been my favorite.”

So far, the frozen treat has been distributed in 15 states and each is fully stocked with new clean ice cream.

“It was sad to come home from camp this summer and find out my favorite summer snack was confiscated,” sophomore Eleanor Gambrell said. “ Now I can look forward to eating my favorite mint chocolate chip ice cream every day after school.”