More than meets the eye

There is more to being healthy then working out regularly

Spring break is happening all over the country right now. That means that everyone is trying to get their perfect “Beach Body” and in order to achieve this goal lots of people will work out extra and go on some type of “diet.” A lot of these diets include things such as cutting out carbohydrates and processed sugars, or they try going vegetarian or something else of the sort. I think a lot of times when people go on these diets they hope to lose the weight and keep it off, however it is typically gained back once the person goes off the diet. If a person is truly trying to keep the pounds off they might try some of the following things.

First, a “diet” in the terms of life in general is what a person eats in their day to day life. So, when a diet is more what you can’t eat and calorie restriction then a what a person needs on a day to day basis it can be unhealthy. The only real thing a person should do to be on a “diet” is to make changes to their lifestyle. This would be doing things such as exercising regularly and getting the daily recommended dose of fruits and veggies. In order to make this change towards being healthy a person can start small and work up to it. No olympic athlete just woke up and was amazing. Start small like substituting almonds for chips and work up to bigger changes.

Second, in the effort to become healthier people need to exercise. When it comes to working out it hard to motivate yourself a lot of the time. Also when a person does start working out there are what feels like 1,000 different ways to start. My advice would be to start by doing things that you enjoy. Once you find a type of exercise that you find fun, find a person that will keep you accountable for coming to the type of exercise. The friend can be someone that you made a pact with or someone that you met doing the type of exercise. All that matters is that they keep you accountable and coming back to insure you get more healthy.