Thanksgiving break will now consist of the entire week from Monday, Nov. 22 through Friday, Nov. 26, as of the 2021-22 school calendar.
The 2021-22 school calendar was approved by the Board of Trustees at the Dec. 8 meeting, covering information about holidays, grading periods and new school start and ending dates.
The adopted calendar calls for the school to start on Wednesday, Aug. 18, and to end on Friday, May 27. The calendar complies with the state regulations and the District of Innovation plan to provide a minimum of 175 7-hour days and 187 teacher-contract days.
The proposed calendars were developed by a committee of district administrators, principals, the lead high school counselor, Teachers of the Year and a trustee.
Two options for a proposed calendar were sent out in an email survey last month to receive feedback from students, parents, teachers and staff. After consideration of the feedback from the surveys, the committee recommended the calendar adopted by the school board.
The fall semester calendar also includes a student holiday and professional exchange day on Oct. 11, which is Columbus Day. Winter break for students would begin on Saturday, Dec. 20, and extend through Monday, Jan. 3.
The student holidays that were removed for the fall semester was the Monday in September for Labor Day, and going back one day earlier in January for winter break.
The spring calendar includes student holidays and professional exchange days on Jan. 17, and April 15, and two bad weather make-up days on March 11 and April 18. Spring break would coincide with last year’s calendars running from Monday, March 14 to Friday, March 18.
Freshman Kaylyn Duddlesten has been long awaiting the new proposed calendar changes.
”Personally I believe in extension for breaks and mild changes in the school schedule planned for next year are well deserved,” Duddlesten said. “The constant push from staff and students for a longer thanksgiving break finally being integrated into is great news.”
Grades K-8 will remain on a nine-week grading period, while the high school will continue to use a six-week grading period.
The new calendar is quite similar to the previous ones, however, it hopes to positively impact students with a few more early releases and holidays and grading periods being shifted by a few days.