How to not overeat on Thanksgiving

Six tips to help you not eat too much when having big meals.


The following are five tips to help to not feel overfull during the holiday without dieting or excluding the best parts of the meal.

  1. Drink water before you start to eat. According to HealthXchange, it is the most beneficial to drink a glass of water 30 minutes before you eat a meal, whether it is a big meal or not.  If you drink the water 30 minutes before, as recommended, it will prepare your digestive system for the food that is about to be eaten. Drinking a big glass of water right before a meal will dilute your digestive juices, and cause you to digest the food more slowly. Carbohydrates such as bread are broken down into sugars that are then absorbed by the waters in your stomach. Drinking water 30 minutes before you eat, when paired with pacing the rate at which the food is ingested, will help you to feel full without feeling overfull.
  2. Start with small portions. Start out by eating small portions of each side.  Remember that a balanced meal includes 25 percent protein, 25 percent carbs, and 50 percent fruits and vegetables. Wait at least ten minutes before getting another serving in order to give your food time to digest.
  3. Chew your food. Another way to slow the speed of eating is to be mindful of how much you chew your food. According to Heritage Healthcare, chewing your food causes your body to have an easier time metabolizing the food by giving your body time to “relax”, gives time for to mouth to release more saliva which has enzymes that help break down the foods, and gives your stomach acid smaller particles to break down. They suggest chewing soft foods seven to ten times, and chew tougher foods, like meat and vegetables at least thirty times.
  4. Do not fill up on the main course. This one is easy. Do not fill up on the main course because there will be no room left for dessert. This also goes for not eating too many appetizers, as tempting as they are.
  5. Take a break between servings and desert. Taking a break between servings will give the body time to digest some of the food in your stomach. This will help to not overfill, and to know when your stomach is full.
  6. It is okay to not eat everything on your plate. Just because the is on your plate, does not  mean you have to eat it.  It is like finishing a book or movie you do not like. If you do not want it, do not eat it. Nobody is going to have hurt feelings if there are leftover mashed potatoes.