How to get organized for second semester

Five steps to take to prepare for the second half of the school year


Being organized can be applied to not only a student’s studies, but also to the overall well-being of the student’s mental state.

To be organized means staying positive, keeping stocked with supplies, using a planer, being on a schedule and student-teacher communication. The following five tips are tools that can help students succeed.

  1. Have a positive mind set. The first and arguably the most important step a student can take to be ready for school is to have be optimistic. This is the easiest way to keep stress levels low, which will lead to students staying on top of their work much more easily.
  2. Be stocked with all of the necessary supplies. When students readily have the necessary supplies in their backpacks, it makes it easier to complete the work they are given throughout the school day. Having index cards could mean studying for a vocabulary quiz, or having highlighters could mean being able to annotate a book for key information.
  3. Use a planner. Using a planner can be useful to properly prepare for quizzes and tests by writing the tests and quizzes scheduled for that day at the top of the day’s area in the planner. By writing out their assignments, students can start to see how much time after school they will need to spend completing their assignments. Added bonus: crossing off completed assignments is very satisfying.
  4. Get on a regular schedule. Coming up with a daily schedule should leave time for working out, school work and eating. Daily schedules help students avoid forgetting vital daily activities. It is also much better for energy levels to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. Getting in a schedule each day can help accomplish that as well.
  5. Talk to teachers. If all else fails emailing or talking to the teacher of a class that is problematic can be a great help. Teachers want their students to succeed in their classes, and they will like students more knowing that they are putting in the effort in their class.