HP Bagpipe

HP Bagpipe

HP Bagpipe

Student Spotlight – Bella Yeffeth (12)

Luke Parker

Favorite Hobby: Sleeping

Guilty Pleasure: Eating paper

Least Favorite Food: Raw eggs

Coolest Place You Have Been: In bed

How Your Friends Would Describe You: Stupid; weird; decent every other Tuesday; loving; sometime has matching socks; not a terrible driver; Starbucks right now immediately; colorful like the sea of India; a rubrics cube on Pluto; only 50% loser

Dream Job (If Money Was No Object): Professionally active procrastinator

A Skill at Which You Wish You Were Better: Making friends

Favorite High School Class: Creative Writing/Lunch

Fun Fact: I enjoy writing on shoes

About the Contributor
Luke Parker
Luke Parker, Photography Editor, The Bagpipe
It was February third, 1998, Karla Faye Tucker has just been executed and the wonderful child that is Luke Parker was being brought into this world. I was born in Scottsdale, Arizona, where I lived till the ripe age of 15. From there I moved to Dallas Texas. Im an HP senior lacrosse player. I plan to go to college to major in Music Business, Music Production or Photography. My idea of a perfect date is say April 25th. Because it's not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket. Also I am part of an elite few who are able to complete Pokémon Emerald in one week.