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HP Bagpipe

HP Bagpipe

HP Bagpipe

A pile of empty beer cans and bottles lay spread out on a table. Scenes like this are not uncommon at parties where the majority of people drinking are under 21.

Drinking Without Thinking

CK Knutson, Reporter
March 9, 2023
Prescription pills are strewn across a table. Along with other powerful drugs, fentanyl is becoming an increasingly dangerous substance among young adults.

Silent Killer

Elise Laharia, Features Editor
March 9, 2023
During passing period, junior Peggy Ferguson lies down in the nurses office. She often experiences period cramps that she says can feel debilitating and has noticed that people, men in particular, are not always understanding. "Men act like women are acting dramatic when it comes to pain, but they haven't even experienced it," Ferguson said.

This Won’t Hurt

Juliana Stimac, Reporter
March 9, 2023
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