HP Bagpipe

HP Bagpipe

HP Bagpipe

‘Max’-imum Tuneage, Oct 2

Courtesy Photo

In this edition of ” Max”imum Tunage, I’ll be reviewing the newest album by legendary rock guitarist, Keith Richards.

Crosseyed Heart is Richards’ first studio album in 23 years. This is a different than what he usually does, this album is blues. He is known for his work in the band, The Rolling Stones, so this a big difference from that.

“Crosseyed Heart” is the first track on this album. It is a quick blues ballad. Richards introduces this album with a but of finger picking and a small chorus. It ends with just the words, “That’s all I got.”

“Heartstopper” is the second song, on this album is quicker and it has the feel of a rock song but he is singing about how this woman broke his heart.

The next song is “Robbed Blind.” This song is where Richards has his heart stolen, this is a more slow acoustic song and has a bluesy feel to it.

“Trouble,” is about the lady, Betsy Jane, in Richards’ life whose middle name is trouble… Figuratively of course!

“Love Overdue” is about Richards coping with his overdue love, and thinking about the good times he had with his girl.

“Nothing On Me” is an upbeat song with a good drum beat driving the force. This is about Richards running from the law and knows that the law doesn’t have any proof it was him.

“Suspicious” is a song about the loss of a lover. Richards sings about how he lost the woman he loves and how see made a difference on him. Thus song is back to the slow bluesy feel.

The next track is “Something for Nothing.” This track is a quicker song. It has a sort of an upbeat folk feel. In this track Richards has done a good job of bringing out an almost spoken word quality to this song.

“Illusion” is a sadder, slower song. This song is sung in companion with Norah Jones. This song has a good trade-off of the chorus.

“Just a Gift” this song has a slower beat. It is Richards calling for people who need a shoulder to cry on and people who need to be calmed.

“Goodnight Irene” the song is a slow, acoustic ballad by Richards. It is reminiscing over the loss of a loved one.

“Substantial Drama” is an upbeat and funky track. So far in this album we haven’t heard this style of guitar. This song is very different, it has more of a real rock feel so it foils the rest of the album in terms of intensity.

“Lover’s Plea” this is a slow blues song. Richards is explaining in this track about how he would do anything to get his girlfriend back.