College Night
Yesterday, September 16th, hundreds of students, their parents, and representatives from colleges across the nation, filled the competition gym and cafeteria from 6 pm to 8 pm for College Night. The purpose of College Night is for HPHS students, mostly juniors and seniors, to learn more information about colleges they might already be interested in and maybe discover some options that they hadn’t thought about yet. Schools from the Dallas area such as SMU and the University of Dallas were represented along with colleges from far away such as University of Alaska-Anchorage. All of the schools gave out some sort of booklet to interested students and parents, but some went the extra mile and gave out bumper stickers, most notably 6 inch mustache stickers from Oklahoma State, in an attempt to attract students suffering from sensory overload to their table. Although it may look to some like mass chaos, College Night is a valuable tool for students and their parents and a tradition that Highland Park should strive to continue for years to come.