Brad’s Apps #2: MyStudyLife
MyStudyLife is a digital planner app that is great for keeping all school activities organized. The app was created by Jaime Clarke, a high school graduate in Great Britain.
The app is centered around a dashboard screen which shows relevant information regarding your day. While you are at school, it shows you what classes you have completed, what classes are coming up and how much time you have left in your class. It also has the tasks you have due that day as well as tasks that are due in the upcoming days.
There is a class management section, a calendar, test list, and a to do list. In the class management section, you can put in all your classes and it will set up your schedule. This allows your schedule to be accessed from all areas of the app.
My favorite feature of the app is the homework to do list; it allows you to create homework assignments, set due dates and receive reminders the night before an assignment is due. Similar to the to do list is the exam (test) list. Here you can set times for your tests, what day they’re happening and if it’s a retest. You are notified if the test you’re taking conflicts with another class and/or test which is helpful when you’ve been absent and are scheduling multiple makeups in a single day.
I enjoy the calendar feature but there are a few things I believe can be improved. When you add a test to the calendar, it forces shows the name of the class in front and ends up looking jumbled and squished, making the task unreadable. It also keeps a separate block during the same time for the class. I would also like Google calendar integration so everything in your personal life could be synced with your school assignments.
Overall, MyStudyLife is a great app to stay organized and on top of your assignments, tests and well your study life.