Why we eat junk food
Why is it that more unhealthy foods are so alluring?

From teenagers in school to adults working full time careers, almost everyone tends to indulge in guilty pleasures due to simple lack of time. Preparing a meal and cooking food can seem like an extremely tedious endeavor that can be resolved by ordering fast food. When ordering from Whataburger, Chick Fil A, Burger House and the like, customers can expect to receive their delicious and cheap meals within a relatively short time frame.
Eating unhealthy food relieves our stress
While dealing with some of the most stressful parts of the day, some might need to be able to cope with bosses, coworkers and colleagues by escaping to feast on a mouth-watering variety of chips, fries and shakes. While having some stress may be ideal for performance based measures, the potential for stress to become ubiquitous in every part of life can serve as a trigger for people to consume salty, crunchy and fattening foods to cope with their hectic lives.
It is efficient and quick
Some may find themselves stuck in a predicament of being unable to afford a proper meal due to a lack of financial resources. While that statement may be surprising to some, many student readers may find themselves in a situation where budgeting can lead to eating unhealthy food more than what they would like. As previously mentioned, many people may know that eating unhealthy food is detrimental to their health. However, some may physically not have the option to choose their meals based on a healthier variety.
We relate to past experiences
There is a possibility that people become hungry at the mere thought or action of passing by a favorite restaurant. In order to identify the reasons for eating unhealthy food, it may also be just as important to identify the memories people associate with unhealthy food at that given moment. The sights, sounds and totality of experiences customers may have had there can trigger physiological responses that can tell the brain that the body is hungry.
The taste of these foods is overwhelming
It is nigh-indisputable that fast food is tasty and that fast food chains add certain ingredients which cause cravings for them. Coca Cola, in its initial days, mixed raw cocaine plants and the fizzy drinks. Their dark beverages have phosphoric acid, which gives a taste consumers crave. Pizza Hut, Dominos, KFC, Burger King and McDonald’s all have certain secret ingredients which causes cravings.