13 Reasons Why Season Two
After its release date March 31, 2017, season one of 13 Reasons Why raised controversy and awareness regarding tough topics of mental health and depression as well as suicide. Produced by Selena Gomez and based off of the book by Jay Asher, 13 Reasons Why tells the story of Hannah Baker, a depressed teenage girl who commits suicide and leaves behind tapes regarding her motivations for taking her own life. Each tape is about a person and how their actions influenced her decision to commit suicide. These tapes are passed along the people mentioned on them, and as the truth comes out, the people on the tapes fight over what to do regarding the crimes committed. The series follows Clay Jensen, a friend of Hannah’s, who listens to the tapes and relives her experiences.
One aspect of the show that has brewed controversy is its graphic depiction of Hannah’s suicide. The main intention of the show is to start a discussion regarding mental health and initiate awareness about suicide and suicide prevention, and the show’s website features many resources for depression, mental illness, sexual assault and suicide prevention. However, many viewers have deemed the show too graphic when Hannah’s suicide is shown in detail, even after inserting trigger warnings at the beginning of episodes showing sexual assault and self-harm.
“I feel like if this is what we’re going to talk about, we might as well go it in a way that’s honest, is real, and stays true to the book,” Gomez said in a talk show interview, Time reports. “So all the questions that came up, and all the talk about it is valid and I understand it.
“That stuff is uncomfortable for people to talk about, but it is happening and hopefully, it opened the door for people to actually accept what’s happening and actually go and change it, talk about it.”
Netflix renewed the series for a second season shortly after the release of season one, but there is no sequel to Jay Asher’s novel, meaning that the plot of season two will be entirely in the hands of the screenwriters. Filming began in June 2017, and viewers can expect another 13 episodes, radiotimes.com reports. While there is no set release date, social media posts by the cast suggest that it is coming soon. Katherine Langford, the actress who plays Hannah, deleted all the posts on her Instagram except for a photo of her holding two fingers to her face, express.co.uk reports.

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Section Editor
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Pirate Booty
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Criminal Minds
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Funny, smart and kind
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Anything Ed Sheeran
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I am a vegetarian.
Where is the coolest place you have visited:
The US Virgin Islands
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I would like to own every type of dog simultaneously.
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"Listen to instructions..."
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Another Ed Sheeran concert