Stranger Things have happened


Stranger Things, which originally aired in 2016, came out with its second season on Oct. 27, 2017. This show gained over 15 million viewers in just three days, and averaged about eight million views every season. With the introduction of a new character, Maxine Mayfield better known as “Mad Max,” the show continues to befuddle viewers with every plot twist.

The second season starts in Hawkins once again, but this time around Halloween of 1984, not far from where the first season left off. Without any spoilers, the second season picks up loose ends from season one, but instead of tying them up, it entangles the ends into each other. The show keeps the viewers on their feet, but this time the characters are battling a different monster than the Demogorgon: it’s the shadow monster.

Will, who has returned from the Upside Down at this point, reveals that he feels strong connections to the Upside Down still. This time, though, he is connected to something more powerful than the show has seen yet, and the connection is growing. Will’s connection to the Upside Down instigates the plot and kickstarts the story.

Mad Max adds a new element to the plot, both destroying any preconceived notions that the boys have of girls, and also a new perspective and story that somehow ties with everyone else’s story. The creators of the show do an exemplary job of building an intense complicated plot, one unlike any other plot written in the history of TV. Mad Max is just another branch of this plot, adding both depth and romance to the story.

The real conflict in the story is the approaching of the Upside Down into the real world, as we see Will feeling more and more connected (as well as trapped), all of the pumpkins dying and Dustin’s new pet. The characters seem to have perpetual bad luck, but without their unfortunate encounters the plot would not be as intriguing as it is.

In addition to new characters, we also get to know Hopper’s daughter more, who proves to be an important character to the story and constantly on Hopper’s mind. Eleven also becomes more powerful, and the viewers gain major insight to who she is and how she is related to the Upside Down as well as the show’s plot as a whole. While the show does keep certain aspects (like Nancy’s love triangle) it harnesses their fresh start to create a whole new dimension that eventually fits in with season one.