How to take detailed notes

Five tips for taking notes that are useful for studying and understanding

Taking good notes is an important step for a student. They ensure you are paying attention during class and they are a great study resource. The following are a few tips that I have learned to help me take good notes in class.


  1. Paraphrase the board, or what your teacher says. This is helpful because if you truly understand what is being said, you can write it in your own words. This also makes it so you do not have to write down everything your teacher say but only what is important.
  2. Use your favorite pen or pencil. This is helpful because when you are writing with your favorite utensil, it helps your notes stay neat. If you are a lefty, try to use either a pencil or a felt tip pencil, so your hand does not drag over the words and smudge them.
  3. Highlight anything that your teacher says twice. If your teacher says it twice, you will most likely see it on a quiz or test. If you highlight those things, it will draw more attention to it while studying.
  4. Draw graphs and charts to help you understand. If you are a visual learner, then drawing graphs, charts, or pictures of what you do not understand will help you to understand the material.
  5. Write down your questions so you do not forget them, then answer them in the margin. If you have a question while the teacher is talking and raise your hand, you will miss out on important notes while you are waiting for a response. Write your questions in the margin. If they get answered, jot down the answer. If they do not, then ask your teacher after the lecture is over.