Trump Blames Cuba for Sonic Attacks
For a year, there have been ultrasonic waves injuring American and Canadian diplomats in Havana, Cuba. This began in November of 2016 when blasts of infrasonic waves hit innocent diplomats and the symptoms of traumatic brain injuries started to appear. Medical records show that these symptoms can include nerve injury, loss of hearing and nausea. Less than a year later the news came out to the public.
We hold the Cuban authorities responsible for finding out who is carrying out these health attacks on not just our diplomats but, as you’ve seen now, there are other cases with other diplomats involved,” Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in August.
The Cuban government is supposed to responsibly protect the diplomats as there is Cuban security outside the U.S embassy and ambassador’s residence. But, a new statement has totally turned the situation. On October 29, Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez of Cuba disregarded the allegations of the sonic attacks and that they were “totally false”. Washington Itself has not blamed Cuban Government for the sonic attacks but, US President Donald Trump said in mid-October that he holds Cuba responsible for the attacks.
“When I was in Havana, Cuba in February 2017 at the American Ambassador’s Residence the current ambassador there, Jeffrey Delaurentis, was in charge of the current affairs,” Frances Rogers said. “He then said that the diplomatic staff has not been harassed, but they have been excluded from many Cuban events.”
But now, President Trump said on that he blames the Cuban government for a mysterious series of possible sonic attacks on U.S. diplomatic personnel assigned to Havana. Trump has gone against the Obama administration and has reversed the progress that Obama was trying to progress.
Medical records show American doctors diagnosed victims with hearing loss, mild traumatic brain injury and likely nerve damage.
“Sound that we can’t hear–both ultrasonic, above our hearing range, and [infrasonic] below our hearing range–can damage hearing too,” Dr. Michael Hoa, an ear surgeon at Georgetown University Hospital, said.
After this news became available to the public, two Cuban embassy officials were asked by the U.S to leave the country on May 23. Neither the embassy nor the Cuban mission to the United Nations has responded to numerous phone calls and e-mails for comment. A number of diplomats from around the world have cut short their assignments in Cuba because of the attacks.
The U.S promises to hold Cuba responsible for the protection of the diplomats, but there are signs that the U.S could be privately moving forward with plans to make future travels to Cuba easier for Americans.

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