Tensions escalate between North Korea and the U.S.

For many years, North Korea has relied on China, the major power in the regime’s Eastern Asia region, for trade. China is one of the only major world powers that interacts with North Korea, accounting for nearly 90% of trade, especially in oil and gas, in the tiny socialist regime. Kim Jong Un, supreme leader of North Korea, has continued with tests of ballistic nuclear missiles to the increasing ire of the United States, and now President Donald Trump is pressuring China’s President Xi Jinping to enforce sanctions and halt trade with the isolated regime. A senior official for Trump clarified, stating that China needs to do more to comply with a unanimous U.N. decision to impose sanctions on North Korea.
“We would like to see China follow through on those commitments,” the official said. “We would like to see China do things bilaterally as well that might even go beyond things that are mandated by those UN Security Council resolutions.”
However, despite China’s ire being provoked along with the U.S.’s with the recent missile tests, and voting for the sanctions in the UN Security Council resolutions, President Jinping also blames the U.S. and South Korea for provoking Kim Jong Un by carrying out military drills in the region.
“Trump is quite a personality, and he likes to tweet,” Xinhua said. “But emotional venting cannot become a guiding policy for solving the nuclear issue on the peninsula.”
Xinhua is China’s official news outlet, which reflects the opinions of the Chinese state, referring to Trump’s comments on China’s role in the North Korea conflicts.
Trump has threatened to “totally destroy” North Korea in his various tweets about the region, but Jinping is adamantly against such action being taken. So far, China’s attempts to rein in Kim Jong Un and North Korea have been fruitless, failing to stop nuclear testing in North Korea.
“We lose hundreds of billions of dollars a year on trade with China,” President Trump said. “They know how I feel. But if China helps us, I feel a lot differently toward trade.”
But attempts like this, which some call bribes aimed at China, have proven fruitless, as Kim Jong Un continues along his goal to create a nuclear missile that can reach, and lay waste to, the United States.
“The threat from North Korea has grown to a critical and imminent level,” said Japanese Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera.

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