Lady Bird perches at 100 rating

One of the most outstanding movies of the year


When I think long and hard about truth in movies, none compare to Greta Gerwig’s Lady Bird. With a Rotten Tomatoes score of 100, this movie demonstrates what film making is all about.

This coming of age story follows the main character, Christine “Lady Bird” McPherson, and her life as a senior in highschool. The film also emphasizes her desires to live as far away as possible from her hometown of Sacramento, California. Through the course of her senior year she experiences the emotional ups and downs that commonly plague teenagers and the film follows the mistakes she experiences with her family and friends as she attempts to find, and then change, herself.

This wasn’t a movie where I simply watched what was happening. I felt and related to the emotions of the film’s characters. The story made me reevaluate the decisions in my life. Not only did I think about what it means to have true friends and family members in my corner, but the film helped me realize that even if I pine to be away from my hometown, I’m still going to have a place in my heart for it under any circumstances.

When it comes to stand out performances within the movie, Saoirse Ronan comes to mind first. While playing the main character, Lady Bird, she exuded such a realness that can’t quite be explained and produced such emotion that I as the viewer felt I was experiencing and relating to her. Though this quality can definitely be attributed to all the characters in this movie, Ronan takes it to another level for me. Another thing that made this movie wonderful was the timing and order of the movie that really helped the film flow and never left a stale moment.

There little to nothing that I can criticise this movie for. From the costumes to the setting to the overarching message this movie hit all the marks of what makes a quality film. I can definitively say that Lady Bird is by far one of the best movies I’ve ever seen and I applaud everyone who was apart of it for doing such a great job on it. I would recommend this film to anyone, especially those who know the feeling of wanting to break away from their hometown life. Rotten Tomatoes is not lying with their 100 rating of the movie.