Binge watching gets spooky
Shows set to premier in October
October, the first real month of fall. Leaves start to fall and a cool breeze permeates the air. The sun sets earlier, bringing darkness and spooky moonlight. Lightning and thunder come with the occasional autumn storms. The weather provides the perfect opportunity for some binge watching by the fire. Fall is also the season when fan favorite TV shows come back for another season, and new ones greet viewers with exciting premiers. Theaters are full to the brim with moviegoers curious to get a first glance at long-awaited films. Days get shorter, and entertainment gets better. Here are just a few of the many programs set to release in October.
“The Good Doctor” premiered on ABC Monday, Oct. 2. This show revolves around Dr. Shaun Murphy, and the plot begins on his first day as a residential surgeon at San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital in California. Shaun experiences ups and downs on his first day as he deals with prejudices and the stigma around people with his condition. Shaun is autistic and struggles to communicate in a typical fashion with the other doctors and patients. What the other surgeons fail to recognize at first is Shaun is highly intelligent, even for a surgeon. When presented with patients, Shaun corrects the mistakes of other doctors multiple times and saves lives in the process. Hired by the president of the hospital, Shaun seems to have a close relationship with him, and the nature of their relationship is revealed as the show delves into Shaun’s childhood.
A favorite among many high school students is set to return on Wednesday, Oct.11. That’s right,“Riverdale” is back. Season two of this mystery/drama is rumored to have 22 episodes, as well as many new actors and actresses, such as Charles Melton. Season one is about a small town called Riverdale, and how the investigation of a local teen’s death turns the town upside down and uncovers many secrets regarding the townsfolk. Season one is currently on Netflix, so I recommend bingeing season one immediately before watching season two: if you haven’t already. Many rumors regarding the second season have been neither confirmed nor denied, so we can’t be sure until the premier, which will be on CW at 7 p.m. central time. Episode 13 left viewers on a cliffhanger, so many fans are more than anxious to find out what happens.
“It’s got an underlying mystery throughout the first half of the season that does potentially involve some blood,” Madelaine Petsch (Cheryl Blossom) said about season two in an interview with Cosmopolitan.
Many music fans are familiar with the phrase of “Chano for mayor,” which originated from the idea that Chance the Rapper should run for mayor of Chicago, his hometown and the recipient of generous contributions from the rapper towards the public school system. This next show, “The Mayor,” postulates what would actually happen if a rapper ran for mayor of a city.
“In the new ABC TV show, young rapper Courtney Rose (Brandon Micheal Hall) runs for mayor of his hometown to generate buzz for his music career. Unfortunately for Courtney, his master plan goes wildly awry, ending in the most terrifying of outcomes: An election victory,” reports.
The pilot premiered on September 12, and episode two is set to premiere Tuesday, October 10.

What is your position on the Bagpipe:
Section Editor
What is your go-to snack:
Pirate Booty
What is your favorite tv show to binge watch:
Criminal Minds
In what are you involved at HP:
What is your dream job:
How would your friends describe you:
Funny, smart and kind
What is your favorite song or style of music:
Anything Ed Sheeran
What is a fun fact about yourself that not everyone knows:
I am a vegetarian.
Where is the coolest place you have visited:
The US Virgin Islands
What is your ideal pet:
I would like to own every type of dog simultaneously.
What is your favorite class this year:
Where do you want to go to college:
What is your favorite news source:
What is the best piece of advice you have received so far:
"Listen to instructions..."
If you could attend any major event, which would you choose:
Another Ed Sheeran concert