Mansfield marching competition
On Saturday, Aug. 30 the Highlander Band went to Mansfield to compete in a marching competition. There were 26 bands ranging from large bands to small bands at the Mansfield marching competition. The Highlander Band has about 150 people in it, and each one of them has an important job to do for the band.
There were four divisions, the first, Division A, the second, Division B, the third, Division C, and the fourth, Division D.The Highlander Band was in Division C. The highlander band won best guard overall, best percussion, best visual effect, best music and in Division C won first place. Out of the 26 bands only ten made it to finals, the Highlander Band being among them. The Highlander Band won second place overall and were .35 points way from first place.
The day starts out with everyone who is in the Highlander Band meeting at 12 p.m. about one hour and thirty minutes before the competition so they can warm up. Afterwards, they warmed up for their performance at 1:30 p.m. After they performed, they went back to the bus and changed into different clothing. They watched other bands for about four to five hours while waiting for the results to come in at about 6:20 p.m. These would tell them if they made it to finals. When they found out they made it, they got back into their uniforms and waited until 10 p.m. to perform, being the last band to compete. After their performance, they heard the results and drove back, arriving back at Highland Park High School to end their day at midnight.
Competitions can be a fun way to spend a Saturday with fellow band members.
“[We spend] all day with friends for sure, cause that’s just a free day out of the weekend to just do what we like- band,” senior Hannah Luk said. “And then just watch more bands with each other so it’s more time to spend with each other.”
For other band members, the art itself is what matters more.
“My favorite part is the performance itself- it’s amazing,” senior Sydney McDuffie said. “And the award ceremonies are always awesome. Especially this year we have done very very well.”
Only being .35 points behind first place, the marching competition in Mansfield was huge and could mean even greater achievements are coming in the future.

This is my third year as part of the Bagpipe staff.
What is your favorite music genre?
Alternative rap
What do you do in your free time?
Play basketball and hang out with friends
What is your favorite television show?
Breaking Bad