New Year, New You


2015 was a year filled with many memories of both good times and bad.  Now that the new year has started, there are more goals to be accomplished. However, it is important to remember the times that have shaped our lives and influenced who we are.

“The best memory I have of 2015 was when my family went to Wyoming for a week over the summer,” sophomore Slade Sinak said. “We had the chance to see Grand Teton and Yellowstone, both of which were amazing. There were also a lot of buffalo which were cool to see. It was a great experience because most of my siblings are in college, so anytime we can all be together is something I want to remember.”

Along with the good times, there were also hardships and adversities that challenged us to see life from different perspectives. Whether it be failing a test, getting an injury or losing friends, these experiences influenced our lives greatly.

“For me, breaking my elbow in a gymnastics meet was a really difficult time. I felt as if I was loosing all my skill, and not being able to fully participate in the team activities can make you feel left out,” sophomore Lexi Epstein said. “Being able to overcome my injury after I got my cast off helped me see how difficult times in life can change you as a person.”

Besides looking at the past, we also must look to the future to set goals to strive for in all aspects of life. Setting New Year’s resolutions gives people something to motivate themselves towards improvement.

“This year I really want to try and work harder in school,” freshman Andrew Stanzel said. “Now that I’m in high school, everything counts. Working harder in my classes and studying more at home for tests and quizzes is what I’m going to accomplish this year. I think this will set me on a good path towards both good study habits and a successful high school career that will help me get into a good college.”

Personally, 2015 was a very challenging year that changed who I am as a person. I started off the year in a full leg brace after just having ACL surgery from tearing my ligament playing sports, barely being able to walk. Over the course of the year I was faced with balancing doctor’s appointments and school, both of which took up a lot of my spare time. However, being injured gave me a chance to find other activities and meet people I wouldn’t have otherwise. The best memories of the year were building relationships with people I met in time that would have been taken up with sports. For the new year, my goal is to realize that when things don’t go as planned, good things will happen in place. Although they are different for everyone, both memories of past years and plans for the future shape the way we live. Learning from past experiences helps us to improve as both students and as members of society.