Freshmen Volleyball 2015

This season was the best yet. Every year has become better and better. Our 2015 season was especially fun, because every team has gone undefeated. The freshmen team consisted of twenty-three girls this year. That made our group especially fun and energetic. The level of love and support we had from our varsity and JV also contributed to that.

The JV and varsity teams have helped every freshman, and done their best to make this year special, they have been amazing role models. They have shown many girls how to step up and be good leaders. Ryleigh Urbanzcyk is one of those who truly stepped up to plate this year. She took every ounce of what varsity taught her and incorporated it into our season.

Another player, Skyla Sternberg, has been one of the most improved players on the team. No matter what was happening she was always bubbly. This year was her first to play, so she had a major learning curve. She ended up making leaps and bounds of improvements. “I’ve improved overall with my passing, hitting, blocking and serving. I’ve learned how to properly block and improve my approach and swing when hitting”, Freshman Skyla Sternberg said.

With the help of parents in the program, we all had the chance to become closer friends. In the very beginning of the season we had the opportunity to go to Great Wolf Loge as a program. We all swam and did some activities to get to know each other. Claire Kozmetzky shared some funny family stories that even cracked Coach Deerman up. “Right when we arrived to great wolf lodge we really got to know the players on the junior varsity and varsity teams. They were all so nice and friendly and treated us freshman as equals. They included us throughout the whole retreat and started a bond that only grew the rest of the season. Even though our season has come to an end, the friendships I’ve made with the older girls will last and I will continue to enjoy. The first impression they made on me at the water park was a very lasting one that I will not forget and will keep in mind whenever I meet younger girls in the future” freshman Claire Kozmetzky said. Gracey Cobb even shared some info that mad us all giggle at her (not with). At. Her. I think from that time on we knew we would always be laughing at her.

This season has created many memorable moments. I know just like previous seasons, but many of us have been waiting to be just like the previous years players, and now we are finally them.