The Lady Scots soccer team kicks off their 2024-2025 season with a strong beginning, setting their sights on a strong playoff run. They embrace a fresh start under new leadership while learning from the experience of their senior players.
The team has already started the season on a high note, scoring numerous goals against their current matches. Through their success, they continue to pursue good sportsmanship with their opponents.
“You know, we’ve had some games where we’ve scored a great deal of goals,” head coach Chad Hobbs said. “But we want to make sure that we’re respectful to our opponents, both during the game and afterward as well.”
Hobbs, the new head coach of the Lady Scots, has set ambitious goals for the team. He strives for players to be successful on the field but also to ensure that they create lasting memories.
“The ultimate goal is for us to be successful,” Hobbs said, “but I 100% want every one of the players to enjoy their time as part of the program and for when they graduate, to look back on it with really, really fond memories.”
The players appreciate Coach Hobbs’ leadership and the way he is invested in their growth, both as individuals and as a team.
“He’s really helped every single one of us become better players,” senior Charlotte Pulliam said. “Even with a huge roster, he has included every single player and devoted himself to making us the best we can possibly be.”
The players have high hopes for the season, and their biggest goal is making the state championships, something not far from their reach.
“I think we’re gonna make it a long season,” Pulliam said, “Especially once we hit the playoffs. I mean, every single week is another preparation just to get out of the district and head into playoffs.”
Recently, the Lady Scots tied against Wakeland 3-3. However, the Lady Scots look forward to confronting Wakeland again in a future match-up.
“I know everyone is super excited to finish it off, show them who’s boss, and actually win the game this time instead of tying,” senior Caroline Scott said. “So I’m really looking forward to that next matchup.”
With 14 seniors on the roster, the team is focused on leaving a lasting impact on the program and the younger players before they graduate.
“For us, the biggest thing is making this the best year yet and doing everything we can to leave a positive impact on the program,” Scott said.
The team not only has 14 seniors on their roster but also has a group of 4 freshmen creating a mixed team.
“So we’ve got a pretty mature and experienced group,” Hobbs said, “You know, in addition to the younger kids that have come into the varsity this year, I think the balance has been really good.”
The team chemistry also continues to strengthen this year. With a mix of both senior and junior captains, underclassmen are able to feel more included in the group.
“Team chemistry, I would say is also great,” Scott said, “Like, we have a good dynamic with one of our junior captains, Addie Brink. So I think that helps bring in the underclassmen more.”
As the playoffs approach, the Lady Scots continue to receive support from their dedicated fans, made up of friends, family, and fellow students.
“Just know that we’re all having fun and making the most of every moment,” Pulliam said. “It makes our games so much more fun and lively with them there, and we love it.”