HP Bagpipe

HP Bagpipe

HP Bagpipe

Bagpipe Buzz: How to Tour Colleges

College visits can be overwhelming, so use these tips to maximize your time there.
Graphic by Will Gaffey and Zoie Carlile

College visits are essential to truly understand the schools you are looking to apply to. They can even make or break your decision. But by following these tips, you can make the most out of your college visit.

Make a list of places you want to see:
On a typical college tour they will only show you the campus basics, so it is important to plan to explore more on your own. Before visiting, make a list of places you want to see on campus. You can do this by looking on the website for what’s unique to the campus or just typical things such as a dining hall. Look into practical spaces that you will make use of frequently such as study spots or libraries.

Utilize your tour guide:
On the tour, talk to the student guide and ask insightful questions. These questions should be things that can’t be found with a simple Google search. Examples of this could be tips on how to get the classes you want during registration and what students do on the weekends. After the tour, ask the guide for recommendations for lunch at a place where the students actually eat at on a regular basis, not just a restaurant for tourists.

Meet up with current students:
Because tour guides are trained to blatantly promote their school, make sure to talk to an average student to get accurate information. To do this, try to get in touch with former students of your high school or friends of friends. By doing this, you can hear their honest opinions about the school, both the exceptional and the challenges. Also, if you spend the day with a current student, you will be able to see what a typical day looks like if you were a student at that college, which will open your eyes to things you both like and don’t like. This will also enable you to meet other students which will give you a sense of the community on campus.

Use these tips to make the most of your college visit. Remember, it’s important to find the place that satisfies your academic and personal goals.

About the Contributor
Mila Segal
Mila Segal, Designer
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