HP Bagpipe

HP Bagpipe

HP Bagpipe

Dear Mrs. Giannou-Moore

Photo by Juliana Stimac

I was told to describe Mrs. G within 350 words, a seemingly simple undertaking, but once I put pen to paper I realized the nearly Herculean task that was at hand. To use the word kind to describe Mrs. G has significant shortcomings; she always accommodates the needs of her students and instills that her students are far more than the grades they have in that class. This is stressed nearly as much as making sure to do the PPC in the AP Classroom. But there is no other saying that is repeated as much in that classroom as “You can do hard things”. I know that saying has a significant impact on all her students; many may feel encumbered by having taken a difficult course but seeing the phrase in big bolded letters gives her students a sense of confidence.

I have had the pleasure of having Mrs. Giannou-Moore twice in my time at HPHS; one was during my freshman year which was fully virtual, with me only seeing her in person twice to take the final exam. To say I walked into AP Bio with no knowledge would be an exaggeration; I knew one thing, and that was that the mitochondria were the powerhouse of the cell. But throughout this year through her mastery of pedagogy and hard work, I can confidently say that I am proficient in AP Biology.

One of many acts of kindness that reflect Mrs. G’s love for her students is that right when we completed all the units, she brought a creation of her labor and love. I can say with confidence that nearly all of them have hobbies; a small portion of those teachers disclose said hobbies to their class. Mrs. G is the only teacher I have ever had in my entire educational career to bring her hobby and share it with the class. And you know what it was? Sourdough, but not just any sourdough—chocolate chip sourdough, and it tasted even better than it sounded. From the Tasmanian Devil and all the AP Biologists, we are so grateful for you Mrs. G.



Adam Harris

About the Contributor
Juliana Stimac
Juliana Stimac, News editor
What are you looking forward to on the staff this year? I’m excited to work with reporters on news stories this year! Who are your favorite music artists? Fiona Apple, the Arctic Monkeys, and The Neighborhood What causes are you passionate about? I’m really passionate about women’s issues and healthcare