Dichotomy Coffee

If you have ever been to Waco, Texas, you have probably been to or heard the Baylor University students talk about Common Grounds, a popular coffee shop and hang out place. Yet, there is a hidden shop in downtown Waco that serves great coffee that is a nice change from the mainstream ways of Waconians. On Saturday, October 24 I went to Dichotomy to venture out and try something different than the normal Common Grounds coffee I get. There is a parking lot across the street from it, but the area is busy since Waco is an up and coming place.

I ordered a vanilla latte and waited by the counter to receive my drink. Since it was cold outside due to the rain, it made my insides feel warm and it was comforting. Dichotomy is a relatively large place with plenty of seating, but most of the seating was taken. Since I was there during Baylor’s homecoming, I do not know what the crowd is normally like. But, as of that day, I do not suggest studying there because there was much happening and there was lots of noise. I am sure that during the weekdays it is a fine place to study. Yet at night it is more of a bar, so late night studying is not suggested.

The name Dichotomy stems from an interesting idea. It means “a division into two especially mutually exclusive or contradictory groups or entities”, since it is both a coffee shop and a bar. These are pretty diverse drinks, but are brought together in this concept. This dictionary definition of dichotomy is written in white on a black wall, creating a sleek look which is consistent throughout the whole shop. There are a few tables in the front of the shop and even a few tables outside on a patio if the weather permits. The tables extend all the way to the back of the shop, leading up to a small raised platform with couches for a bigger group.

Overall, I enjoyed the vibe of Dichotomy and enjoyed the change from Common Grounds. The coffee was great and the service was decent. So if you happen to be in Waco and are in need of a little extra caffeine, I suggest trying out Dichotomy.