Bernie Sanders


wants to give illegal immigrants the ability to purchase healthcare under the Affordable Care Act

disband private detention centers for illegal immigrants

thinks that we need to stop spending money on walls and instead redirect the money towards better technology and tactics for securing our border


Tax Reform:

Wants to set up four new income tax brackets for high-income households, with rates ranging from 37 percent, 43 percent, 48 percent, and on up to 52 percent.

In addition, it would enact a new 6.2% employer-side payroll tax on all wages and salaries.

Gun Control:

Bernie Sanders advocates a ban on “…semi-automatic assault weapons, guns which have no other purpose but to kill people.” He also supports background checks on all firearms sales. However, in the past he voted to allow guns in national parks, protect gun manufacturers from being sued when the guns they produce are used in crimes, and voted against a mandatory 5-day waiting period for gun purchases.


Environmental Policies:

Sanders plans to cut U.S. carbon pollution by 40 percent by 2030 and by over 80 percent by 2050 by putting a tax on carbon pollution, repealing fossil fuel subsidies and instead making investments in energy efficiency and renewable sustainable energy sources

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