HP Bagpipe

HP Bagpipe

HP Bagpipe

Student Spotlight – Armstrong Simms (12)


Least Favorite Food: Mayonnaise

Dream Job (If Money Was No Object): Filmmaking

Favorite Hobby: Making movies, or making people laugh

How Your Friends Would Describe You: A funny human being

A Skill at Which You Wish You Were Better: Math. Science. English. History. Foreign languages. Basically school.

Favorite Teacher of All Time: Mr. “the GOAT” Vasquez (incase you were unaware, GOAT stands for Greatest Of All Time)

Guilty Pleasure: ‘Star Wars’, except I don’t feel guilty about it at all, there was just no other place on the survey to express my love for the real MVP, ‘Star Wars’.

Coolest Place You Have Been: Disney World – that place is magical (if you don’t like Disney World you’re lying, and if you aren’t lying, then you must like Disney World)

Fun Fact:I just feel that I have an obligation to myself to use this space as another way to express my love for ‘Star Wars’, and my dislike for most Star Wars “fans” who claim that the prequels ruined ‘Star Wars’. The prequels were good movies, and even if they weren’t, they are Star Wars movies, which automatically makes them good movies. And also, they blame George Lucas of all people for ruining ‘Star Wars’. George Lucas? The creator of Star Wars? Give me a break. The only people who ruined ‘Star Wars’ are the people who think the prequels ruined ‘Star Wars’. If I just described you, please don’t call yourself a true ‘Star Wars’ fan, and if you wish to complain, my email address is [email protected]. Thank you, and God Bless America.