DIY yarn-wrapped painted jars

This do-it-yourself project is so easy to accomplish and creates absolutely gorgeous results. You only need a few materials to make this and by varying the design slightly each time every one of them can be a unique piece while still matching the overall theme of your party. Yarn wrapped jars are great party or dorm room decoration and can function as a lantern that give give off warm soft buttery light.



  • Mason jars that vary in size
  • Candles and matches or electric light candles
  • Thread and yarn in varying sizes
  • Acrylic Paint in a variety of colors
  • Painter’s tape
  • Scissors
  • Tiny paint brush


The first step in this DIY lantern project is to ensure that  your mason jar has been washed and cleaned thoroughly. Wrap your yarn around the jar making sure to leave gaps. Depending on the size and width of your yarn the light will be more or less visible. I’m using really thick yarn that way I can make sure the light shines through. Once you have wrapped your yarn the desired amount of times use a really wide piece of tape to secure each side of the yarn. Next we can apply an even layer of the paint color of your choice all around the jar. Wait 20 minutes for the acrylic paint to dry. Once dry you can peel the yarn of the jar to reveal clean lines. Take a small paint brush and clean up any imperfections. Make sure to cover the space that were taped with more paint. Wait for it to dry and stick an electric candle in the jar. You can get more creative with the colors of your paint by creating an ombre effect. To do this you need the desired paint color and white paint. Paint the bottom of the jar one color, the middle section a half and half mixture of colored paint and white paint, and paint the top half white. By letting the middle section of paint bleed over into the other sections, you can create a more blended effect.