New Year New Resolutions


At the start of a new year, comes a start of new New Year resolutions. I do not do resolutions for many reasons. There is not really a point, because I know I’m not going to be able to follow through with them. I know I am not the only one because I heard recently that only 8% of the population keeps up with their resolutions.

“Through the past years I had come up with many different resolutions but I have never gone a whole year without breaking them. I try for the first couple of months, but then I just end up forgetting all about it,” freshman Kathryn Franks said. “This year I don’t really have a resolution but my overall goal is to eat better in the long-run. My resolutions never end up working out and this way I won’t be disappointed in the end.”

Even when people like making resolutions and want to make them to improve themselves they still aren’t able to keep it up.

“I like how New Year Resolutions are a thing because many people think of a new year as a new start and so starting a resolution is the perfect opportunity,” sophomore Claire Lake said. “This year, like every year I am trying to improve my dance skills, I am a Highland Park Belle so I definitely know that every year I need to be improving. I know many people who also have resolutions, and I hope they will succeed because they are striving very hard and like me, are hoping they don’t crack this year, but in reality we all know they will.”

Lots of people resolve to save money, but it can be very hard for them because they have to give up something they love. It would be very hard to give up something in order to save money. Like not being able to eat out would be difficult because although eating at home is a great option I still love getting to eat out at restaurants.

“I am trying to eat at home more throughout the week,” junior Ally McNeil said. “I am trying to save up for other things I want rather than eating at a restaurant with my friends, it has been very tempting not to go out and eat, and I’m trying very hard but I occasionally will go out. I think that if I eat out here and then it’s okay my goal is just to save money overall.”

More people should try to have a better year overall rather than just focusing on trying to improve one thing.

“This year I am trying to branch out to many different people throughout the school rather than my usual friends,” freshmen Sameed Sayeed said. “It is not really a resolution because I am trying to be a better friend and branch out overall, I don’t have a specific goal, and I think that nobody should because resolutions just leave you disappointed.”

Instead of trying to achieve new year resolutions everybody should focus more on trying to have a better year overall.